Today, a mediation in Valencia on a sexual harassment lawsuit. Beginning this year in California sexual harassment settlements which are confidential are no longer tax deductible. It will be interesting to see how many sexual harassment settlements remain confidential with this new law. The one today is.
#sexualharassmentsettlements #confidentialsexualharassmentsettlements
Yesterday New York Magazine interviewed me on the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal. Today an Australian television asked for an interview.
The issues seem to be will Weinstein go to jail? How long is the statute of limitations for civil sexual harassment and criminal sexual harassment?
#sexualharassmentlawyer #HarveyWeinsteinsexualharassment
Not exactly a picture perfect day for May tourism in Universal City, but a welcome weather change for those of us in need of rain.
P.S. one of my first, very large, sexual harassment cases involved a contracted employee working at this particular Shearton Universal.
#UniversalCitylaborlawyer #sexualharassmentlawyerHollywood
Universal City where Hollywood blends with the Valley. An office building that once housed a famous employment defense firm. The Sheraton Universal, the site of my 20th year high reunion and the unfortunate place that led to a winning appeal for my sexual harassment client in the 1990s when I made law about who an employer is.
#UniversalCity #Sexual #Harassment #Lawyer
Burbank street scene onto Pass. Here today on a sexual harassment mediation.
#Burbank #Sexualharassment
They call him the squirrel of Studio City. He steals nuts from his neighbors and blames it on an employee of his.
Encino, California about a block from the building where the law firm was I worked in during college and law school during the late 1980s into 1990. This is the building of a famous mediator. I took this picture on a break during a sexual harassment mediation.
Happy 2015. May you all win your lawsuits, find a rare car to restore, discover an ancient piece of computing equipment, or bring 1,000,000 new users to your sites.
Valencia, California in the Santa Clarita Valley. From the parking of a mediator's office where I am mediating a male on male sexual harassment case. The sexual harassment happened on an oil field in Bakersfield.