If your employer has fired you in violation of the terms of your employment contract, you may be entitled to seek compensation for breach of your employment contract. However, some employment contracts contain language that allows the employer to fire the employee for cause, or no cause after giving a required notice. Find your employment contract, or give us your best explanation of what the employment contract says so our breach of employment contract lawyers can look into whether you may have a case against your employer for breach of your employment contract. Damages in breach of employment contracts include monthly wages and any damages flowing from the breach of employment contract.
At the Employment Lawyers Group, our employment attorneys have extensive experience litigating employment law disputes, including wrongful termination and breach of employment contract disputes. We represent executives, managers, sales employees, teachers, and other employees who are covered by employment contracts.
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We handle all cases on a contingency fee basis with no upfront costs
If you are looking to sue for breach of your union contract, we are not the right lawyers. However, if you are subject to a collective bargaining agreement because you are a union member, but you were fired for a discriminatory reason, or harassed we can represent you. Common issues we have represented union members in include discrimination on the basis of age, disability, gender, Family Medical Leave Act, national origin, pregnancy, race, sexual orientation, or sexual harassment.
Contact our employee contract lawyers at 1-877-525-0700 to discuss your potential breach of employment contract case, or other employment matter, and learn about your legal options.
Written employment contracts usually have a provision that allows the employer or employee to terminate the contract with cause.
In these cases, the main dispute may be what “Cause” is and how it is defined in the contract. This is when the issue of good cause for an employment termination will be fought by lawyers. Other issues in employee contract disputes include:
Your contract rights may protect you in situations in which you do not have a written contract.
Implied or oral contracts are difficult to enforce, but your employer may not be unjustly enriched by your services. As experienced employment lawyers we will explore all potential legal theories against your employer including breach of an implied or oral employment contract, promissory estoppel, and potential employment fraud.
These days, implied and oral contracts are generally not valid legal theories against employers. If there is any language in an employee manual, or personnel documents the employee signed, stating the employee is at-will or there is not a contract of employment there will almost certainly not be an enforceable implied or oral contract in court. However, do not rely on this article for legal advice. To find out what your contract rights are, contact 1-877-525-0700.
Even if you worked for a small employer without any written policies, you will have to affirmatively show that something happened worthy of the court implying a contract. Implied contracts can exist if the employee is a very long term employee, or promises of longevity such as retirement are made. Promises creating an implied contract may also include employees who are promised large sums of money or longevity if they institute a new process, set up a new location, or do something quite large and significant for a company. However, any written language about the employer being at-will most likely will defeat an implied contract. Moreover, in the case of commissions, any written commission agreement is likely to defeat an implied or oral contract for commissions.
I am Karl A. Gerber, founder and lead trial attorney of the Employment Lawyers Group. If you feel you were a victim of a breach of contract, contact us to discuss your case and your options. In Southern California, we have offices in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, Gardena, Oxnard, Tustin, San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, and Bakersfield. We handle employment cases in all parts of California, and I am one of the attorneys on each of the cases.
We handle all cases on a contingency fee basis with no upfront costs. Do not get stuck paying a lawyer on an hourly basis to represent you in a breach of employment agreement case only to run out of money to pay the lawyer before the case is done.
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Los Angeles Breach of Contract
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