Workplace Safety Violations Can Lead to Wrongful Termination The California Labor Code has a variety of provisions (statutes) that require employers to provide safety and healthful work environments. The following Labor Code Sections require employers to provide workers with a safe place of employment and safety devices, California Labor Code Sections 6400, 6402, failing to provide safety devices as required in 6401, 6403, 6404, 6406(d).
The letter and spirit of California Labor Code Section 6300 indicates it was enacted for the purpose of ensuring a safe and healthful work environment and encouraging employers to provide training about such.
The Labor Code also prohibits employers from exposing workers to hazardous substances, California Labor Code Section 6370.
Workplaces where the employees are subjected to unsafe or unhealthful conditions are not legal. If an employee is discharged or retaliated against for complaining about these types of work environments, they may have a wrongful termination case.
Call us today at 1-877-525-0700 to speak to a Los Angeles Injury on the Job Lawyer.