Work is dangerous to all occupations. It is important to stay alert and wear safety protections.
These workers should have hard hats and gloves. Rebar has spurs and rough edges. So does wood.
#workinjurylaw #workaccidentlawyer
Some years back I think it might have been this office where a personal injury lawyer sent me to get checked out after a car accident. I declined medical treatment and made the ordeal into a speech for a Speech 101 class I was taking over the summer at LAVC which incidentally is where I met a major source of material for future writings of the nonlegal variety.
Last night I was at an elementary school fundraiser in a somewhat recently built, rather fancy, banquet hall that shared a parking lot. Another banquet hall a few doors down appears to be the old Sir George's buffet.
Let's be honest, anybody using a jack hammer like this and then removing piles of hard packed rocky debris is going to suffer a back or other injury at some point. Right now I am on a case against UPS and it seems everybody in the unload department has a displaced disc at some point in their career.
The other trend I am seeing in employee leave of absence cases is these large employers do not care that the law binds them if management knows. They insist their employees use a certain form or communicate with a certain third-party and ignore disability and Family Medical Leave Rights if they do not.
#Leaveofabsencelawyer #workinjurylawyer
Carpet installers are famous for developing knee problems. They are on their knees all the time, and often use their knees to pound which is a terrible idea due to bone fragments.
As a labor lawyer you develop a knowledge of the job hazards for multiple industries.
#workinjurylawyer #laborlawyer
Hard working employees following safety protocols. Dangerous jobs are much safer when everybody's safety is protected. Recently my firm has been using the Private Attorney General Act to sue for safety violations.. A recent case, although not mine, resulted in $2.9 Million in PAGA fines for safety violations at a university.
#jobsafetylawyer #workinjurylaw