I did a radio show last night about mediation and found myself at a mediation in Valencia bright and early this morning. The case involved a former CEO with breaches of contract and wrongful termination. It was good to resolve the case and the client was happy.
#wrongfulterminationlawyer #workplacelawyer
Today, a mediation in Valencia on a sexual harassment lawsuit. Beginning this year in California sexual harassment settlements which are confidential are no longer tax deductible. It will be interesting to see how many sexual harassment settlements remain confidential with this new law. The one today is.
#sexual harassment settlements #confidentialsexualharassmentsettlements
Happy Halloween to all. This is truly the skinniest bloated cow you will ever see in Studio City.
Let's have a contest to see which office building has the most elaborate holiday display. To even be in the running the office building can't be charging pass-throughs to their tenants for a holiday display if it doesn't include both Christmas and Chanukah. Displays that incorporate Kwanzaa and general New Year's icicle themes will receive extra credit.
Now, for the first in the series...A very bland Christmas only display in an office building in Valencia where I had a multi-employee meal break mediation last week. No worries if you are a tenant in that building because my building thus far has nothing, and hopefully you were not charged up the wazoo for this display.
#OfficePassThroughs #HolidayDisplayContent #MealBreakLawyer
Rooftop view of Glendale. I spent today at a wrongful termination case in which my client blew the whistle on a food processing operation and was fired. This picture was taken at a mediation break.
#wrongfulterminationlawyer #Glendalewhistleblowerlawyer
If you are a potential client and you are wondering what mediation is, this is not a picture of a house. This is a picture of a small caucus room at a famous mediation facility in Burbank.
Typically during employment law mediations there are breakout sessions between the mediator and one or both of the lawyers in small rooms like this. Alternatively clients use these rooms to make personal telephone calls during mediation, or to eat their lunches.
Many of the better mediators have homelike facilities aimed at making the parties feel relaxed, or like they are in a less intimidating business setting so they can make important decisions over long days in employment mediations.
This is the mediation room in Valencia for a two plaintiff sexual orientation case I am on. These women were fired for displaying affection towards each other. Their manager told them they should be ashamed they kissed each other.
This is the Burbank location of two prominent mediators who mediate a lot of employment law cases. A good mediation facility, like this one, is intended to assist litigants in feeling more relaxed and in control of their settings. Having control over one's lawsuit is one of the reasons mediators believe settling an employment case through mediation is important to both parties.
In the area of employment law, it is almost impossible to resolve an employee lawsuit without a mediator. Employers and their employment defense lawyers are reluctant to offer money to settle an employment case outside the protected and confidential setting of mediation.