Work in the trenches, dangerous work.
We are marking off the finish floor level and the finish level of the landing.
We have to move a sewer pipe back a few feet. I've been on this job almost three months now. Extremely dangerous, big crews, and no injuries.
Your employer and supervisors might not be as good as my crew. This week I heard an expert talk about heat exhaustion.
When working outside this summer they are recommending 15 minute breaks.
California law only allows 10 minute breaks.
This worker is digging trenches to drop sewer lines in before grade beams and the foundation is poured.
Hard manual labor in the sun is not fun. Proper safety equipment, cool down periods, rest breaks, and meal breaks are essential for getting the job done.
#mealbreaklawyer #restbreaklawyer #joblawyer
Not a lot of people are out for a rest break in front of this Encino office building where I mediated a very interesting case today in which one employer committed marital status discrimination and wrongful termination when an employee voiced concerns over workers compensation rights for another employee, and pregnancy discrimination by the temporary agency employing her.
#pregnancydiscrimination #restbreaklawyer
This one goes out to all my clients who work in restaurants. These days, a hip establishment like King's Head in Studio City has a dedicated device for Grub Hub orders, Uber Eats, and the list goes on.
Thanks to guys like me (who deal in meal and rest break violations or errant time keeping software aimed at underpaying) this restaurant is serious about telling their employees to clock out.
#wageandhourlawyer #restaurantemployeelawsuitlawyer