Every year we handle multiple cases in which an employee of a patient care facility is terminated and retaliated against for complaining about an illegal practice in a healthcare organization. Many of these healthcare whistle blowing cases involve employees in nursing homes or group homes. Nursing homes and group homes often seem to put profit over patient care which leads to employment problems. Various levels of nurses and healthcare workers make up a substantial portion of our client base.
This year we represented a CNA who lived in a group home where mentally challenged adults lived. The employee was terminated for reporting that patients were sexually abused and beaten. We have handled many cases in which dependent adults in care facilities are being physically abused, the employee complains, and is retaliated against. Last year we handled a healthcare whistle blower case in which a CNA was told to falsify documents to make it look like she had certain required medication training. Many of our healthcare whistle blowing cases have involved improper medication handling.
We have handled several healthcare whistle blowing cases in which nursing staff has complained that a patient was in the wrong level of care. Cases involving medical record falsifications or deletions are common. In 2012 we handled a case in which a medical center director noted that patient charts were not being documented and notes were coming out of patient charts. Healthcare whistle blowing cases in which employees are fired for complaining bout improper medical supplies, bed sheets, and food are also common.
Healthcare whistle blowing cases in which doctors are forced to work in non-sterile environments and are fired for complaining have come up several times in our healthcare whistle blower practice. We also had a case in which a doctor complained that the surgery technicians were untrained. In another case, a surgery technician complained that the doctor did not sterilize medical instruments.
Whether you are a mandated healthcare reporter, complained to a branch of the government about your healthcare or suspicious conduct at your workplace, we are anxious to speak to you in order to be a whistleblower, it is not necessary that you have complained to the Department of Health. However, cases in which healthcare whistleblowers have complained to the Department of Health or OSHA are very strong if the healthcare whistleblower is fired soon after complaining to OSHA or the Department of Health or other regulatory agency, including but not limited to the Center for Disease Control, Regulatory Boards that license healthcare workers, or any public government agency. For a confidential phone consultation with an employment lawyers, contact our office if you are considering making a complaint about patient abuse or another patient or healthcare issues at your employer.
We feel very strongly that healthcare workers doing their job and caring for their population who are fired for obeying the law are amongst the most deserving clients. Allow us to represent healthcare whistle blowing, rights we are passionate about.